Decoded parameters to Map.
Encode MultiMap with % encoding for UTF8 sequences.
Encode MultiMap with % encoding.
Decode string with % encoding. This method makes the assumption that the majority of calls will need no decoding.
Decode string with % encoding. This method makes the assumption that the majority of calls will need no decoding.
Perform URL encoding.
Handles coding of MIME "x-www-form-urlencoded". <p> This class handles the encoding and decoding for either the query string of a URL or the _content of a POST HTTP request. </p> <b>Notes</b> <p> The UTF-8 charset is assumed, unless otherwise defined by either passing a parameter or setting the "org.hunt.utils.UrlEncoding.charset" System property. </p> <p> The hashtable either contains string single values, vectors of string or arrays of Strings. </p> <p> This class is only partially synchronised. In particular, simple get operations are not protected from concurrent updates. </p>