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class SSLParameters

Encapsulates parameters for an SSL/TLS connection. The parameters are the list of ciphersuites to be accepted in an SSL/TLS handshake, the list of protocols to be allowed, the endpoint identification algorithm during SSL/TLS handshaking, the Server Name Indication (SNI), the algorithm constraints and whether SSL/TLS servers should request or require client authentication, etc. <p> SSLParameters can be created via the constructors in this class. Objects can also be obtained using the <code>getSSLParameters()</code> methods in {@link SSLSocket#getSSLParameters SSLSocket} and {@link SSLServerSocket#getSSLParameters SSLServerSocket} and {@link SSLEngine#getSSLParameters SSLEngine} or the {@link SSLContext#getDefaultSSLParameters getDefaultSSLParameters()} and {@link SSLContext#getSupportedSSLParameters getSupportedSSLParameters()} methods in <code>SSLContext</code>. <p> SSLParameters can be applied to a connection via the methods {@link SSLSocket#setSSLParameters SSLSocket.setSSLParameters()} and {@link SSLServerSocket#setSSLParameters SSLServerSocket.setSSLParameters()} and {@link SSLEngine#setSSLParameters SSLEngine.setSSLParameters()}.
