Add the given {@link ByteBuf} and increase the {@code writerIndex} if {@code increaseWriterIndex} is
{@code true}.
{@link ByteBuf#release()} ownership of {@code buffer} is transferred to this {@link CompositeByteBuf}.
@param buffer the {@link ByteBuf} to add. {@link ByteBuf#release()} ownership is transferred to this
{@link CompositeByteBuf}.
Add the given {@link ByteBuf} and increase the {@code writerIndex} if {@code increaseWriterIndex} is {@code true}.
{@link ByteBuf#release()} ownership of {@code buffer} is transferred to this {@link CompositeByteBuf}. @param buffer the {@link ByteBuf} to add. {@link ByteBuf#release()} ownership is transferred to this {@link CompositeByteBuf}.