Locates the first occurrence of the specified {@code value} in this
buffer. The search starts from the specified {@code index} (inclusive)
and lasts for the specified {@code length}.
This method does not modify {@code readerIndex} or {@code writerIndex} of
this buffer.
@return the number of bytes between the specified {@code index}
and the first occurrence if found. {@code -1} otherwise.
@throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
if {@code index + length} is greater than {@code this.capacity}
Locates the first occurrence of the specified {@code value} in this buffer. The search starts from the specified {@code index} (inclusive) and lasts for the specified {@code length}. <p> This method does not modify {@code readerIndex} or {@code writerIndex} of this buffer.
@return the number of bytes between the specified {@code index} and the first occurrence if found. {@code -1} otherwise.
@throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if {@code index + length} is greater than {@code this.capacity}